Sunday 10 March 2013

Luscious Lemon Curd

When I was a child my grandmother used to give me lemon curd on toast.

The flavour of it is one of the key flavours of my childhood.  Summer days in the garden with Nan, drinking ice cream sodas (lemonade filled with strawberries and vanilla ice cream) and eating lemon curd sandwiches.  I am actually salivating just thinking about it!

So I am passing on the tradition and bringing up my children with luscious lemon curd. YUMMY!!!

It doesn't last as long as my jam does (possibly in a jar forever), instead it only keeps in the fridge for 7-10 days. But I think the fragility of it makes it that bit more special.

I think that maybe also why my husband is seemingly on a mission to eat it on everything! He even tops my cakes in it, like some sort of custard sauce!

Anyway, here is the recipe.

I have tried many and have had success with Mrs Beaton too but if in doubt stick to Delia!

It has never failed me yet!

Grated zest and juice of 4 large lemons
4 large eggs
12oz caster sugar ( I use granulated as it's cheaper and it works just as well)
8oz unsalted butter at room temp, cut into chunks (I used salted, it worked fine)

Begin by lightly whisking the eggs in a medium-sized saucepan, then add the rest of the ingredients and place the saucepan over a medium heat. Now whisk continuously using a balloon whisk until the mixture thickens – about 7-8 minutes. Next, lower the heat to its minimum setting and let the curd gently simmer for a further minute, continuing to whisk. After that, remove it from the heat. Now pour the lemon curd into the hot, sterilised jars, filling them as full as possible, cover straightaway with waxed discs, seal while it is still hot and label when it is cold. It will keep for several weeks, but it must be stored in a cool place.

Delia actually recommends adding corn flour, though I have never used cornflour in my curd.
A delicious alternative is also to use limes, though you need to use almost twice the quantity to gain the same amount of juice. It also took me a good 20 mins of whisking, but I have an electric hob, which to quote my good friend Katy Star works like this, 'It's not's not's not's not on...Oh, it's burnt'

Happy lemoning!

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