Tuesday 5 March 2013

Homemade tipi

For Devon's birthday I wanted to make her a tipi. Somewhere she could play in her bedroom in winter, but somewhere that we could move outside in Spring.

I scoured the internet looking for a free pattern but ended up making my own. Essentially I cut out four triangles of fabric, added half an inch seam to every edge, made channels in a corresponding fabric and sewed the panels to the channels. I then bought some cheap garden canes and Bob's your uncle. Oh and the door needed to be made from two triangles, overlapping.

Today was the tipi's first garden outing, and it went down very well.
One very happy infant.

1 comment:

  1. Great idea! -Imagine how much you'd have to pay for that in the shops!

    Was considering making a small one for the rabbits a few weeks ago but then decided I must be going a bit mad x
